Please indicate your preferences for the therapist you would like to engage with during your telehealth counseling sessions. You can select multiple options for each question where applicable.

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Client Name

1. Therapist Gender

Please select the gender you prefer for your therapist:

2. Therapist Age Range

Please select the age range you prefer for your therapist:

3. Therapist Cultural Background:

Please select any cultural backgrounds that you feel comfortable with:
(Select all that apply)

4. Therapist Specialization/Experience:

Which areas of specialization are important to you? (Select all that apply)

5. Therapeutic Approach:

Which therapeutic approaches resonate with you? (Select all that apply)

6. Preferred Communication Style:

How do you prefer your therapist to communicate? (Select all that apply)
(Select all that apply)

7. Session Frequency and Duration:

What session frequency and duration do you prefer?
Session Frequency:
Session Duration:

8. Additional Preferences or Concerns:

Delivery Method:

9. Overall Importance of Preferences:

How important is it for you to find a therapist that matches your preferences?